Vendredi - 10h30 - 11h00
Halle 6 – Ouest


Maxime Leroy


Médias - Entretien

Ukraine, une histoire qui se raconte de l’intérieur (????????)

Conférence en Anglais

Listen to the story behind Ukrainian Spaces, a podcast that came to life during the sleepless February nights following the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24th, 2022. The podcast founders, Ukrainian journalist Maksym Eristavi and Ukrainian activist Valeriia Voshchevska, will talk about Ukrainian Spaces’ beginnings as a Twitter Space, and how it initially served as a group « therapy session » for them. We will then hear their vision for the project, and learn more about their contribution to the Russian decolonization conversation, the significance of amplifying Ukrainian voices, and how Western media can help.


Au vu du contexte actuel en Ukraine, nous ne pouvons pas affirmer avec certitude que cette conférence sera maintenue.