Become a volunteer at Web2day 2023

The Web2day festival is 3 unforgettable days for new technology enthusiasts. To become a volunteer is to get personally involved in this festival and live a unique experience.

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You want to help us make this new edition a success? We're looking for a hundred volunteers to help us give our festival-goers, partners and speakers an extraordinary experience.

The missions of the volunteers

The reception

???? What's involved in welcoming festival-goers?

First of all, you will welcome the festival-goers and redirect them to the main reception to collect their tickets. Your role will be to scan or distribute the printed tickets. But also, to make sure that a necklace, a bag and a program are given to all participants.

???? Welcoming partners :

Same job as for the festival-goers: provide a top-notch welcome, welcome, guide, answer questions... Some partners will have to create their tickets on site, you can help them in the creation. Be careful, they are partners, so you will have to take good care of them and be polite.)

The speakers

???? What does this job involve?

You have to welcome them, but also inform them about the time and place of their visit. You will also have to communicate the arrival of the speakers to their managers. How to prepare your mission ? You have to master the program according to your schedule and the places of the festival.

???? Roadies, what is it?

The Roadies are there to pick up the speakers at the train station or the airport. You may also be asked to drive the shuttles between the festival and different hotels in Nantes. You will drive cars rented by the organization. For this it is important to have a great rigor and more than 2 years of license. If the announcer is late, the whole program will be delayed.

The newsroom

???? The social media side:

What is your mission? It is to promote the image of the festival on social networks. It's simple, you can be asked to: make livetweet, realize video capsules, moderate contents, prepare visuals, etc... Be careful, the pace is fast during the 3 days of the festival! You will need your computer and your smartphone throughout your mission.

???? For photography and video :

What is your mission? It's to make the image of the festival shine with beautiful pictures and videos. You will be taking pictures and videos of the partners, speakers and also of all the conferences during the festival. You will be constantly on the move and thanks to this position you will discover every corner of the festival. For the photography position you will need to bring your own reflex camera.

In theaters and on the festival

???? Room management and public orientation :

Your role will be to manage the access to the rooms, the audience and also the speakers. You will work in collaboration with the stage manager. You will have to welcome the speakers before their passage in the room. You will have to circulate the microphones for possible questions at the end of the conferences. If needed, you will provide assistance in the control room and you will have to collect data on the rate of filling of the rooms. This position requires thoroughness and determination. Oral skills are required.

????‍♀️ Superheroes:

You will be in charge of helping us with the logistics of the festival, responding to the needs of partners in the village and helping the main control room with various missions (signage, orientation, etc...). It's a job that requires mobility and you have to accept not having a fixed mission during the 3 days, but it's also nice :)

Interested in one of our positions? Do you want to be part of this great event?

NB: We will organize a videoconference on Monday, April 3 from 12:30 to 1:30 pm to present the missions in more detail.

I apply for a job