
Thursday - 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Event Based Marketing: Triple your revenue by reducing your advertising budget by 20% in Q4

Benjamin Lampérier


Co-founder @Aegis Agency

Tech entrepreneur, industrial automation engineer, music lover.
I learned to code in high school and launched my first "management game" in college. The goal? Manage and improve a discotheque day after day, by chance I discover that people are ready to pay to go faster (the great era of allopass ...). Then I launch some blogs, discover SEO and the power of online advertising.
Since then, I've been doing projects crossing tech, startup, marketing & music.
As a good caricature of the slasher, I am now :
- Co-manager at Iteracode (Business web development)
- Co-founder at Aegis Agency (Dedicated to the growth of E-commerce) - Co-founder at Rumeur Podcasts (Production of podcasts) - Director of Barb'n'Rock (Rock/Metal/Punk Festival in Hauts-de-france)

This year, with the help of M'hamed Larbi, I put a big focus on the role of tech in new marketing approaches, how to better manage its data, better target, to send just the right message, at the right time, at the right place.