
Thursday - 9:00 am - 10:00 am

Is management a job in its own right?

Cyril de Sousa Cardoso


CEO and author @Les petits bots

Cyril de Sousa Cardoso is an entrepreneur, expert and speaker on the themes of creativity, managerial innovation and the conduct of innovation projects, he is CEO of the start-up Les Petits Bots, expert in conversational AI, Managing Director of the consulting and training firm Audalom and president of the Innovation Commando movement. A teacher at CNAM, UBO and the University of Nice, he is also the co-author of the books L'art de l'innovation (Editions Eyrolles, November 2017), Innover comme Elon Musk (Editions Odile Jacob, February 2019), 121 outils pour développer le collaboratif (éditions Eyrolles, March 2019), Data Power - Comprenez et exploitez la valeur de la donnée (éditions Eyrolles, January 2020), Manager Sapiens (De Boeck Supérieur, 2021) and Elon Musk - Les secrets d'une réussite insolente (Mardaga, 2022).