Track Entrepreneurship: Keys to success, new models and feedback

Selection of conferences on the theme of Entrepreneurship.


Entrepreneurship is the historical track of Web2day. It highlights those who make concrete the thoughts and ambitions of a more ethical economy. This year, we will talk about human beings, feedback and best practices: who creates? How do they surround themselves? What are the keys to success (and are there any?)? What are the new models that are emerging?

Each day has its own entrepreneurial content. To help you, here is a small selection of topics discussed by our experts.

Board Game Arena: 7 Key Decisions That Turned an Amateur Service into a Global Leader

Wednesday, May 31 from 5:25 to 5:55 p.m.


Launched in 2010 as an amateur project, Board Game Arena is now the world's leading online board game with nearly 9 million users worldwide and over 5 million games played each month.

From the genesis of the project to the resale of the company, Gregory Isabelli (founder and CEO) offers you a look back at the 7 key steps that transformed a simple hobby into a success, and the lessons that can be learned from this unusual journey.

Do we need to recruit to accelerate?

Wednesday, May 31 from 2:00 to 2:45 p.m.


In the early years of a startup's creation, there is an unending debate: Which talents should I surround myself with ? Should I invest in a C-level expert in his or her field, or hire a multi-tasker? Or is it better to sign up with several freelancers, or simply choose the right part-time to support a defined strategy?

Marine Jouët, Zoé Constantin, Eugénie Chaltiel and Coline Mazeyrat will take part in the debate, drawing on their very complementary visions of founder, recruiter, VC and solution provider.

Setting up a restaurant is the new startup ?

Thursday, June 1 from 5:10 to 6:00 p.m.

Hall 6 West

Business plan, financing, team, growth marketing, branding, legal and social framework... These terms correspond to the unavoidable to-do list of any self-respecting startup. And for the past few years, this structuring coupled with an innovative mindset is starting to appear more and more in a century-old sector: the restaurant industry.

Our favorite foodies from Nantes - Sarah Mainguy, Top Chef 2021 finalist and chef and co-founder of Vacarme restaurant, and Pierre-Antoine Arlot, co-founder of Arlot-Cheng - will talk about how they are dusting off their sector, based on their experience. They will be accompanied by Romain Amblard, co-founder and mentor of Service Compris, the acceleration program for neo-restaurateurs.

To finish with the Reason for being

Thursday, June 1 from 4:25 to 4:55 pm

Stereolux - Maxi

Companies often use meaningless terms in their raison d'être, which creates a dissonance with the reality of customers and employees. Trusted People has avoided this pitfall by creating a unique purpose and turning it into a purpose. The conference will discuss the differences between good and bad reasons for being and provide keys to moving from reason for being to reason for action.

With Victoire Aubonnet, Head of Strategy & Operations at Gens de Confiance

The human factor: the key to a buyout strategy

Thursday, June 1 from 2:35 to 3:05 pm

Hall 6 West

David Beaurepaire is the Director of M&A, Communications and International Development for the HelloWork group where he had the opportunity to launch new activities after having created and sold a company.

Four acquisitions later, David will give a feedback on his different operations, more or less successful according to him: how to manage his teams? What are the key factors of a successful acquisition? Are there things he would have done differently today?

A heart-to-heart conversation about the importance of the human factor in a buyout strategy.

Web2day, the meeting place for startups and entrepreneurs

This year, 47 startups have been selected to pitch in front of a panel of VC's and corportate. The 4 half-days will be divided into 4 thematic tracks: fintech, the future of work, agritech and healthtech with a focus on femtech. The grand finale will bring together 8 startups and will take place on Friday from 2 to 4 pm on the HelloWork stage.
➤ Discover the selected startups

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