Thursday - 5:10pm - 6:00pm
Halle 6 - Ouest


Pierre-Antoine Arlot

co-founder @Maison Arlot Cheng

Sarah Mainguy

Chef and owner @Vacarme

Adélie Delajot

Chef de cuisine @Le Cellier

Pauline Poirier

COO @Service compris

Entrepreneurship - Round Table

Setting up a restaurant is the new startup ?

Conference in French

Business plan, financing, team, growth marketing, branding, legal and social framework... These terms are the essential to-do list for any self-respecting start-up. And in recent years, this structuring, coupled with an innovative mindset, has begun to appear more and more in a century-old sector: the restaurant business.
Our favorite foodies from Nantes - Sarah Mainguy (, Top Chef 2021 finalist and chef and co-founder of Vacarme restaurant, and Pierre-Antoine Arlot (, co-founder of Arlot-Cheng - will talk about how they're dusting off their sector, drawing on their own experience. They will be joined by [Romain Amblard](, co-founder and mentor of Service Compris, the accelerator program for neo-restaurateurs.